Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lifelong Learners

I read the 7 habits of lifelong learning before making this blog, and am so glad that I did because when I read about having to set up a blog - I was initially put off. Technology has been an issue for me, an unfortunate issue being that I'm a SLIS student and have no choice but to adapt myself to the changing technology that so many seem to embrace with open arms. The lifelong learning helped me to see this blog not so much as a challenge, but as an adventure. I'm a perfectionist, so I tend to see things that I do and judge them, scrutinize them. The seven steps are really going to help throughout the semester - and throughout my life!

1. Begin with the end in mind
2. Accept responsibility for learning
3. View problems as challenges
4. Have confidence in self as a confident and effective learner (don't say or think it unless I want it to come true)
5. Create my own learning toolbox (books, technology, mentors, friends)
6. Use technology to my advantage
7. Teach/mentor others
8. Play - be curious

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